Equality & Diversity Statement
Our Newham Learning & Skills is committed to equality and diversity. We are proud of our Service and believe that everyone is entitled to equal treatment and must be treated with respect. We respect and support all our learners and staff so that everyone can achieve and thrive. It would not be acceptable for our learners or staff to discriminate against others on the basis of any of the following characteristics:
We want everyone to feel safe and included. If you study or work for the service and do not feel safe or are being harassed or bullied, or see someone else being bullied, please report it using the service reporting procedure.
Respect and value each other’s differences!
Identifying with one characteristic does not give anyone the right to discriminate against, harass or bully people who have other characteristics!
Disability Statement
As a Service, Our Newham Learning & Skills is committed to being as inclusive as possible. We welcome the Public Sector Equality Duty and actively consider how we can remove or minimise any disadvantages faced by people due to their disability and meet their needs during their time at Our Newham Learning & Skills.
We will: